BISPEGÅRDSMARKED, Kalundborg Glas med bornholmske farver 16. november - 15. december Pop-up marked i MDKT Studio København 16. november - 22. december GLASS FROM BORNHOLM
 Experience the great variety in expression and technique. We show both utility glass and works, mouth-blown or cast, clear, colored and with added different materials. SOIL GLASS FROM BORNHOLM Our exhibited work 'Soil Glass' visualises a study in glass and soil from Bornholm - showing a colourscheme in glass specific to Bornholm. The soil's natural iron content, small stones and organic material give the glass its green nuances, textures, and hints the material composition of the glass. It affects the shaping process when the glass is later blown and shaped. Different glass mixtures will therefore be more or less suitable for the purpose - it depends on the content.
SHOP in Nexø Find our works in our new shop FORMA kunsthåndværk, across our studio. STUDIO in Nexø Experience the methods we use to prepare a Nordic colour palette based on soil excavated in the Nordic landscapes when the door is open. The work involves processing the site-specific materials, which at 1280 degrees leave nuanced differences in colours and surfaces in glass and on ceramics. Oplev vores fremgangsmåde ved udarbejdelsen af en nordisk farvepallet af jord opgravet i de nordiske landskaber når døren er åben. Arbejdet går ud på at bearbejde de stedsspecifikke materialer, der ved 1280 grader efterlader nuanceforskelle i farver og overflader i glas og på keramik. EU project LAG Bornholm's contribution enabled the building of our glass and ceramics workshop and shop in Nexø (2021 - 2022), which houses our artistic practice and the production of handmade crafts in the materials of glass and ceramics. The workshop provides the framework for the process, which is intended to represent the way we want to be humans in the world, reflecting the desire to make an impact — a coherent story that testifies to having a heightened awareness of the sensory and seemingly banal: the earth around us.
Graphic of the island Bornholm. The red marks are the (approximate) geographical locations, where soil is collected. BORNHOLM - ICELAND - JAPAN SOIL CONNECTIONS On Bornholm, in Iceland and Japan we collected over a hundred samples from across the islands. Our practice in glass and ceramics unearths our experimental processing of soil excavated in Japan, Iceland and on Bornholm. The soil is dug in various landscapes and represents geological ages from ancient Cambrian to the human-dominated Anthropocene era we are now believed to be in. Step into our studio during and dig into the diverse expression of soil in glass and ceramics in terms of shades, textures and viscosity based on origin. Experience the influence of the working process - filtration, mixing ratios and melting points - unfolded in objects in both glass and ceramics, with support from the Danish Arts Foundation.
0045 42 28 00 05 Grønnegade 5 3730 Nexø